3 Common Foot Problems That Call for a Podiatrist's Attention

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Caring for Your Feet If you want to take better care of your feet, I hope that you will enjoy reading the articles I have posted here. I'm an amateur writer and researcher with no links to the podiatry industry. However, I have a passion for this area of medicine. Here you will find articles about every aspect of podiatry, from clipping your toe-nails, dealing with hard skin, beating fungal infections, and much, much more. I hope you find the info on this blog useful and also entertaining. Take care of your feet, beloved readers, and check back soon for more updates and posts.



Like any other body part, your feet need attention if you don't want them to let you down. Therefore, caring for your feet, even when you are not experiencing any problems, should be your top priority considering their critical role in helping you walk.

Perhaps you have experienced foot aches or blisters at one point in time. If so, you possibly opted for home remedies over professional care. Even minor issues can escalate into life-changing problems, which may leave you with long-term disabilities. So, instead of ignoring foot problems, you should visit a podiatrist for diagnosis and treatment. Here are three signs indicating that you need to see a podiatrist right away.

1. Numbness and Swelling

When you lose sensation in one foot without any apparent reason, there is a possible underlying health condition. The feeling can affect the area below the knee, the whole leg, or some parts of your leg.

Continuous unexplained numbness of the foot is often associated with multiple conditions such as diabetes, chronic alcohol abuse, damaged nerves, and inflamed blood vessels, among others.

Poor posture habits and injuries may also lead to numb and swollen feet. Seeing a podiatrist is one sure way of ruling out anything serious and getting treatment for the underlying condition.

2. Chronic Heel Pain

Although heel pain is a common foot problem, you shouldn't ignore it. The heel makes up the most prominent bone in your foot and is, therefore, subject to injury, depending on your lifestyle.

In most cases, heel pain comes from the bottom of your foot and will range from mild to disabling pain. A podiatrist will determine the cause of the problem through a physical exam or x-ray and give you an appropriate treatment.

3. Athlete's Foot 

Also known as tinea pedis, athletes' foot is one of the most common fungal infections, especially for people living in areas with high humidity levels. 

Although this foot problem is easily remedied with over-the-counter medications, a recurring condition can indicate a deeper problem. It can result from a poor immune system, diabetes, or other medical conditions, which may require a doctor's attention. Your podiatrist will help you unearth the root cause of the athlete's foot. 

There is no doubt that taking care of your feet is crucial to your overall health. Even though some issues will go weeks or months without presenting severe symptoms, seeking proper medical attention is essential for successful treatment. Make sure you pay more attention to your feet and schedule an appointment with your podiatrist as soon as you notice anything unusual.

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